Friday, April 12, 2013

When Peter LaBarbera carries an anti-gay obsession too far . . .

Some people have accused Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth of having an obsession with demonizing gays. Some folks have pointed out that this obsession is so bad that LaBarbera will sometimes stoop to incredible depths in order to demonize the entire lgbt community based upon the actions of an alleged few.

I think the following picture points out that these claims may have a ring of truth. While millions of us, both gay and straight, went to church on Easter Sunday in order to celebrate Christ's resurrection, LaBarbera was in San Francisco taking this picture:

According to LaBarbera:

I shot these photos on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013, near the corner of Market and Noe streets. (I ventured to the “gay” Mecca to cover the homosexual drag queen group Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’s uber-blasphemous “Hunky Jesus” contest, which was cancelled and later rescheduled due to rain.) San Francisco’s prohibition of public nudity – which exempts baudy street festivals like the city’s annual “Folsom Street Fair” – went into effect Feb. 1 and is being challenged in court by nudists.

I'm not even going to defend or criticize these men because I was not there. I also was in church on Easter Sunday.

 All I'm going to say is:

Come on, Peter! On Easter Sunday?A lot of us just simply went to church and maybe you should have, too.


  1. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I can only imagine "Porno" Petey's bitter disappointment that he wasn't able to get the "shockingly
    perverse" pictures he's famous for.
    with my favorite bonus to his pictures the "click to enlarge" feature. Im kinda disappointed, he doesn't make the leather events social calander, with the frequency that he used to, but, I guess like most people, who have attended these events, If you have seen one, you have pretty much been to all of them.

  2. Erica Cook5:33 PM

    Christians like him make me proud to be a pagan

  3. olandp6:51 PM

    I guess they turned down his offer of oral sex.

    The Peter gets really pissy if you don't let him get on his knees.
