Monday, May 06, 2013

NOM stoops to nasty twitter attack on same-sex families, marriage equality

How low can the National Organization for Marriage go in attacking marriage equality and same-sex families? Apparently this low via Thomas Peters, its communications director.

Marriage equality does not deprive children of anything. Also, same-sex families give children a home with love. Peters' question is a straw man argument based upon the fallacy that the only family unit which matters or exists is the mother/father dynamic.

It's a nasty question which implies that gays are harming children. However, a benefit is that yet again the mask of respectability which NOM tries to front is slipping off.

Jeremy Hooper has already given an excellent answer to this ridiculous question. However, if you feel so inclined, by all means use the hashtag and give your own answer. Remember though that any nasty or profanity-laced answer will be used by NOM against us.


  1. Anonymous5:48 PM

    As the gay parent of two adopted children, my answer would be the mother who beat my adopted daughter into a coma when she was 6 weeks old and left her for dead ... and the biological dad who then abandoned her 18 month old brother in the ER waiting room in order to flee with his wife. So much for the "traditional" mom and dad situation that left two broken children that none of those pro-family people would help. If it wasn't for a loving gay couple to step in and pick up the pieces the straight, Christian do good'ers would have left these kids to rot in a group home.

  2. Mr. Peters seems to not understand that a great many gay couples (and singles) already have children, regardless of the right to marry or not. I imagine that the couples who are parents would be at the forefront of the marriage movement, wanting to protect their children. Won't anyone think of the children?

  3. The whole issue is moot since kids should have several related and non-related adult role models (sure, why not both genders), i.e., "it takes a village."
