Friday, June 28, 2013

'Discredited anti-gay professor complains about treatment by bloggers' and other Friday midday news briefs

Mark Regnerus: 'Ne'er-do-well bloggers' harassed me - We didn't harass him. We merely brought attention to the fact that he got almost $1 million in "grant money" to manufacture a bogus study about gay parenting designed to sway the Supreme Court. We dragged that sucker through the ringer and he deserved it.

Family Group Lies To Churchgoers About Children - And this is why even after a victory, the lgbt community and our allies must stay vigilant. 

 Brian Sims, Pennsylvania Lawmaker, Silenced On DOMA By Colleagues Citing 'God's Law' - As you can see, some folks have lost their damn minds.

  LaBarbera Reacts to DOMA Ruling: 'Craven' Kennedy 'Sold out Almighty God for a Place in the Gay Hall of Fame' - Porno Pete is mad at Justice Kennedy for not using religion in his ruling. BTW what is this Gay Hall of Fame and how does one get in?


  1. I'm trying not to be a troll, I promise. But I do want to take issue with the insinuation that Regnerus personally profited $1 million from conservative think tanks. It wasn't "grant money" it was 100% genuine grant money. And Mark Regnerus did not misappropriate any of the funds.

    That said, the way in which Regnerus presents his paper--which is not actually paper about gay parenting--is unethical. And the statistics he did were sloppy. And, it turns out, his new data set (what was supposed to be the study's main contribution to science) is useless on the issue of gay parenting, since only two respondents were actually raised in same-sex households, and almost all the other respondents with a gay parent were actually raised by their other, heterosexual parent.
