Sunday, June 23, 2013

Melissa Harris-Perry pays tribute to Pam Spaulding

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By now, many of you have heard that Pam Spaulding, a person who I consider as one of my mentors and a very, very good friend, is closing shop on her nine-year blog Pam's House Blend. She is truly a pioneer and taught me many things, as well as giving me personal support when I needed it on more occasions than I can mention. MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry just paid tribute to Pam and the House Blend. Oh and I am mentioned, too. However that's not important. But that picture of me? Geez!


  1. Saw it this morning. It was a fitting tribute. Looking forward to your next adventures Alvin. That pic wasn't so bad, I think it was netroots a couple years back. Best of luck.

  2. Anonymous9:39 AM

    gee, let me guess, the usual suspects, are claiming Pam's health problems are "divine judgement from the lord." And the picture of you, not as bad as you think it is.
