Thursday, June 20, 2013

Religious right promises to throw a hissy fit if the Supreme Court rules against DOMA, Prop 8

Several religious right groups have signed a statement of resistance should the Supreme Court rule in favor of marriage equality. But if you ask me, I have no idea what the hell they are threatening to do:

As Christian citizens united together, we will not stand by while the destruction of the institution of marriage unfolds in this nation we love. The Sacred Scriptures and unbroken teaching of the Church confirm that marriage is between one man and one woman. We stand together in solidarity to defend marriage and the family and society founded upon them. The effort to redefine marriage threatens the proper mediating role of the Church in society.

 Experience and history have shown us that if the government redefines marriage to grant a legal equivalency to same-sex couples, that same government will then enforce such an action with the police power of the State. This will bring about an inevitable collision with religious freedom and conscience rights. We cannot and will not allow this to occur on our watch. Religious freedom is the first freedom in the American experiment for good reason.

 ... If the Supreme Court were to issue a decision that redefined marriage or provided a precedent on which to build an argument to redefine marriage, the Supreme Court will thereby undermine its legitimacy. The Court will significantly decrease its credibility and impair the role it has assumed for itself as a moral authority. It will be acting beyond its proper constitutional role and contrary to the Natural Moral Law which transcends religions, culture, and time. As Christians united together in defense of marriage, we pray that this will not happen. But, make no mistake about our resolve. While there are many things we can endure, redefining marriage is so fundamental to the natural order and the true common good that this is the line we must draw and one we cannot and will not cross.

Go here to see a veritable who's who list of the folks who signed this statement including FRC head Tony Perkins, Focus on the Family head James Dobson, failed Fox News presidential candidate Benjamin Carson, and even Alveda King. Talk about your lack of quality control.

Whoop te do.

Should the Supreme Court rule in our favor, there isn't anything these folks can do but two things:

Nothing and like it.



  1. Mykelb3:22 PM

    What do they really think they can do? As far as I'm concerned they can emigrate to the Vatican or Iran if they want to live under a theocracy.

  2. Anonymous3:28 PM

    If they want to fight for heterosexual marriage why don't they try to stop easy divorce...the undisputed #1destroyer of heterosexual marriages the world over.

  3. Anonymous3:33 PM

    They could always do like they did in France and riot in the streets injuring children in the process. Nothing like crazy religious people intent on pushing their own agenda. They will not be happy until America is a Christian theocracy, nothing less will appease them.

  4. Anonymous3:35 PM

    This is what they said about interracial marriage, too.
    And what was it they ended up doing about that...?
    Oh, that's right; NOTHING

  5. Maybe they'd have to stop getting married themselves, since that equivalency thing is so distressing to them.

    Much like people who couldn't ride in segregated buses anymore just stopped riding buses altogether. You can thank them for freeway congestion.....

  6. Interesting the fundamentalist bigots usually quote the Book of Myths beginning with "...between one man and one woman..." when, in actuality, their Book suggests, condones and promotes multiple wives - King David is reputed to have had 600, incest - Lot was raped by his daughters -
    What noone seems to realize is that a marriage license is a CIVIL FUNCTION of city/county Government and has absolutely NO relationship to ANY religion, and the Government CANNOT discriminate in ANY Government function because of, among other things, gender. If two people with a marriage license chooses to have a religious ceremony, that is their business, but a religious ceremony is NOT a requirement to be married.

  7. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Also signed by the divorced Bill Donohue, President Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights.

    Civil Rights, yeah right

  8. Anonymous6:02 PM

    "The Church"???? The US Constitution specifically states that there is no such thing. And by Christians united do they mean Unitarians? Oh wait...

  9. What absolute twaddle! I guess they do not believe it wrong to "bear false witness against thy neighbor." I must first question the premise that the Church's (I assume they mean the "Christian" Church's) proper role is that of mediator" in our society. I find no historical basis in this country for that assumption. Secondly, Same sex marriage and\or civil unions are recognized in over 30 countries throughout the world and I challenge anyone to show one instance in which it has led to the creation of a "police state." They need to find some other gimmick to keep their sheep in the pews.

  10. I never thought of this as a 'redefinition.' If anything it is a expansion of what would legally be called marriage. Just a reminder to these people, 'One man, one woman' is not the only definition of proper marriage in the Bible. Quite a few interesting variations exist. How many of these, including concubines, sisters, slaves and outright purchases, are accepted today?
