Wednesday, July 31, 2013

'Ex-gay' event in DC a SUPER disaster

From Right-Wing Watch:

Yesterday, American Family Radio’s Sandy Rios spoke to Ex-Gay Pride Month organizer Christopher Doyle about today’s ex-gay lobby day on Capitol Hill. Doyle, who was organizing the since-canceled Ex-Gay Pride banquet at the Family Research Council, complained in an interview with the Christian Post that “un-American” LGBT rights advocates have “shut us out,” explaining that “because of all this homo-fascism and indoctrination in the media, ex-gays aren’t given a fair shake.”

Rios confidently predicted that “thousands of ex-gays are descending” on Washington for a press conference planned for today at the Supreme Court. She lamented that when she led Concerned Women for America the media refused to hear “our ex-gay friends” because it “undermined the whole effort of the homosexual lobby.”

If I was Rios, I wouldn't play the lottery any time soon. Fewer than 10 showed up:

You can see other pictures of this disaster at Right-Wing Watch. Also, enjoy this video from the event. It's so pitiful that it becomes hilarious.


  1. Erica Cook3:23 PM

    I remember last year when there was a rally like this and the report I saw said, "threes and threes of people showed up." They should be proud, they got their numbers up.

  2. where were the "homo fascists" ? weren't they supposed to have come to intimidate and bully these peace ful, honest god-loving christian ex-gays?

  3. al in la4:49 PM

    Your blog is great but you missed an obvious headline:

    Chuck Peters Out!

  4. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Wow, they definitely got the sadz! Not surprising even NOM couldn't get a quorum here in RI past couple of years.

  5. Anonymous8:15 PM

    I thought the event was cancelled due to threats by homo-fascist terrorists or something like that.

    Maybe Sandy didn't get the memo.

  6. I'm baffled why anybody would identify as "ex-gay." If a person were ashamed to be gay, would they not be equally ashamed to be ex-gay, and identify as straight, instead? The only "ex-gays" we hear of are those in paid ex-gay business positions.

  7. Anonymous5:18 PM

    gee about 10 showed up, gotta give them credit, that's about 8 more then I expected.
