Monday, July 15, 2013

'Ex-Gay Pride Month gets canceled' and other Monday midday news briefs

"Ex-Gay" Pride Month Is Canceled - Well that event died quickly. Now the creators of this mess is claiming that they are being threatened, but come on. Since when is uproarious, uncontrollable laughter and incessant, but much deserved, mocking by members of the lgbt community considered as threats?

Event’s Sponsor Makes Unsubstantiated Charge That ‘Security Threats’ Are Responsible For Event’s Termination - Speaking of which.

Bryan Fischer links Zimmerman verdict to DOMA, Prop 8; because of course he did - "We can always count on Bryan Fischer to make us look morally superior." - a joint statement put out by Atilla the Hun, Ivan the Terrible, etc. 

 Black, Gay, American - The Advocate posts an awesome piece on being black and gay in America.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:48 AM

    "but come on. Since when is uproarious, uncontrollable laughter and incessant, but much deserved, mocking by members of the lgbt community considered as threats?"

    Well don't forget, these are most likely the same people who believe that you're persecuting them by disbelieving in their god.
