Thursday, July 18, 2013

'Porno Pete' LaBarbera is talking about 'nude street fairs' again

While Bryan Fischer attacks the military for its supposed "hypermasculine homosexual" soldiers, Porno Pete LaBarbera is preparing us for the Folsom Street Festival in San Francisco:

 Below is the “official” promotional poster for the Folsom Street Fair, an annual, sadomasochism-celebrating street festival in San Francisco. The “fair” is notorious for its open-air perversions, mocking of religion [also see this], sadistic whippings, “master-slave” couples, and full nudity — and the latter will be allowed again this year due to an exemption granted to FSF to a new anti-public-nudity law passed by city supervisors. Words can barely convey the evil captured by this image — a rebellious wickedness that comes from glorifying sin in defiance of the wholesome boundaries for sex established by God. Folsom is also the creepy cousin of “gay pride” and “diversity” — there would be no Folsom Street Fair were there not first a “gay” revolution, with its ground zero in the homosexual Mecca of San Francisco. Click on the graphic to enlarge, if you must

For the uninitiated, it's like this every year.  Folsom has its street fair and LaBarbera wrings his hands in abject - and fake - shock. Then he, or one of his associates, manages to show up, take pictures (omitting the heterosexuals participating in this event), and go into graphic details about what they allegedly saw. Very. graphic. details.

It used to play well in parts of the conservative media, but other than a brief media blitz on Fox, LaBarbera's sad attempt to connect this subcultural event to the larger world of lgbt activism always falls on its face.

Its no longer interesting anymore. But it's always fun to report about.


  1. Anonymous4:53 AM

    It's an awesome days activity. Oh my poor feet do get tired some as well as other parts of my body. Oh I'm blushing something fierce now. I'm sure I've seen Porno Pete indulging in oral activitys or was it the other end. One can't be sure when gimp masks are part of the highjinxs. Lol

  2. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Hey Mr. uninformed get your facts straight, ground zero for Gay rights was in New York city

  3. ColdCountry6:14 PM

    Actually, I remember Pete posting a pic of a het couple in Master/slave leathers and still blaming it all on teh gays. I really wish someone could get of pic of him... doing something.
