Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pat Robertson: Gays deliberately spread AIDS through special rings they wear

UPDATE – I think it’s safe to assume that we have a SERIOUS controversy here.  According to the New Civil Rights Movement, Robertson has forced youtube to take down the video mentioned in this post.  You will notice that even the video from Right Wing Watch (included in this post) seems to be gone. But never fear, if you want to see the video, click on this Huffington Post link.

Mark this one down. I think Pat Robertson has gone so far that even he feels the need to dial himself back. At the end of this clip, he clearly says that gays spread AIDS through special rings we supposedly wear:

Apparently that comment about gays spreading AIDS due to special rings has caused a huge controversy. According to Right-Wing Watch, CBN - Robertson's network - first edited the remarks away then removed the youtube video.

Later that day, Robertson tried to rescind his comments. I think he made things worse:

 "I was asked by a viewer whether she had a right to leave her church because she had been asked to transport an elderly man who had AIDS and about whose condition she had not been informed. My advice was that the risk of contagion in those circumstances was quite low and that she should continue to attend the church and not worry about the incident.

"In my own experience, our organization sponsored a meeting years ago in San Francisco where trained security officers warned me about shaking hands because, in those days, certain AIDS-infected activists were deliberately trying to infect people like me by virtue of rings which would cut fingers and transfer blood.

"I regret that my remarks had been misunderstood, but this often happens because people do not listen to the context of remarks which are being said. In no wise (sic) were my remarks meant as an indictment of the homosexual community or, for that fact, to those infected with this dreadful disease." - Pat Robertson, in a statement emailed to me by the head publicist for the 700 Club.


  1. Luanna4:09 PM

    Excuse me? Special rings? I worked as an AIDS care provider for a number of years for two people. I was never warned about special rings. I am flabbergasted to say the least, that anyone could possibly believe such a thing - - or that they would admit to it. It sounds like it is time to call the gentleman in the little white jackets to take Mr. Robertson on a "little vacation." By the way, before, during, and for many years after my employment as an AIDS care provider, I tested regularly to ensure that I had not been affected. I am happy to report that I always test negative. I would really scare Mr. Robertson with all the rings I wear.

  2. Rick L.4:52 PM

    All mine does is decode right-wing talking points.

  3. Mykelb8:50 PM

    Well Pat, the only ring I ever had was taken to Mordor for meltdown. My name is Bennett.

  4. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Mr. Robertson also announced early in the AIDS crisis that people infected with HIV/AIDS be rounded up and quarantined. This was not the recommendation of the Center for Disease Control at that time or now. Sorry I don't have a link, I just remember it from channel surfing and coming upon The 700 Club.
