Friday, October 25, 2013

'Transgender teen attacked by anti-gay group now on suicide watch' and other Friday midday news briefs

Anti-LGBT Group Continues Targeting Transgender Teen On Suicide Watch For ‘Unhealthy Behavior’ - This is terrible and something should be done about it! They lied on this young lady and even after this, they just don't care.
 Carrabba's Italian Grill Waiter Receives Anti-Gay Message From Customers In Lieu Of Tip - The message read:

“Thank you for your service, it was excellent.That being said, we cannot in good conscience tip you, for your homosexual lifestyle is an affront to GOD. Queers do not share in the wealth of GOD, and you will not share in ours. We hope you will see the tip your fag choices made you lose out on, and plan accordingly. It is never too late for GOD’S love, but none shall be spared for fags. May GOD have mercy on you.”

'The Hill' runs FRC's opinion, helps push factually inaccurate smears - I disagree with what Jeremy Hooper is implying here. Instead of raising hell when opinions expressed by those in the Family Research Council appear in mainstream publications, we should engage them openly and fiercely. As a matter of fact, why even wait until after these inaccurate opinions are lodged. Call them out first! Demand the war of rhetoric!

Cindy Meneghin And Maureen Kilian, High School Sweethearts, Receive New Jersey Marriage License - Because we should all have the right to marry our high school sweethearts.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:26 AM

    It takes a big man to join up with an organization that harasses children
