Wednesday, November 06, 2013

'Porno' Pete LaBarbera sad over Illinois marriage equality victory

Earlier, I wondered how one of our "favorite" anti-lgbt activist, Peter LaBarbera, would take the news that marriage equality had been passed in his residential state of Illinois.

We don't have to wait any longer to hear his whining:
"It's very sad to see the Land of Lincoln now on the verge of officially defying God with our marriage laws . . . No matter what happens through the law or what politicians do, two men will never really be married, nor will two women. Marriage is one man, one woman.Sadly, as this state, and increasingly the country, kicks God to the curb, we're setting up all sorts of new-fangled legal arrangements – and that's exactly what homosexual so-called marriage is. It will now be easier in schools to propagandize in favor of so-called homosexual marriage.We will see freedom threatened across the state from people who don't want to support, for example, homosexual marriage through their own private business. They don't want to give that as an employee benefit, benefits based on a counterfeit marriage." - Peter LaBarbera in an interview with One News Now

Blah, blah, blah. Cry me a river, Peter. Or in other words:


  1. al in la9:08 PM

    I would remind Mr. LaBarbera that the law does not force him to marry another man. So what's his beef?

  2. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Gee, for someone who claims, that "two men will never really be married, nor will two women, he sure tied himself up in knots to prevent it from happening...
