Monday, December 02, 2013

'The Passion of Dan Choi' and other Monday midday news briefs

The Passion of Dan Choi - As easily the most recognizable face in the fight to overturn DADT, Dan Choi became an lgbt icon. This is the price he paid for his activism and fame. 

Olympic diver Tom Daley is 'dating a guy,' 'couldn't be happier' - Olympic diver Tom Daley is dating a man. Okay, who is Tom Daley. Just kidding.

 How The Pacific Justice Institute Plans To Continue Demonizing Transgender Children - No one can tell me that this is Christian behavior.  

On This World AIDS Day, I Celebrate Black Gay Men - Awesome post which should receive more exposure.

 The 2013 POZ 100: Celebrating Unsung Heroes Fighting To End HIV/AIDS - Easily some of the most awesome people I've read about.

1 comment:

  1. Erica Cook6:50 PM

    Was looking forward to the first story, opened it up and saw the first letter of sections wasn't a letter but a picture of a letter. Not good, my reading software doesn't know what to do with that but to read the code that makes the image then read what is typed of the word. So, not so much. :(
