Thursday, January 30, 2014

'LGBT community wins two victories in the courts' and other Thursday midday news briefs

Editor's note - Due to the snow storm and me catching up with work at my regular job, I was only able to publish two posts today. Plus, as you will read on about, something WONDERFUL has happened to me recently:

Court: Transgender Student's Rights Were Violated - Good for the courts for show common sense. Anti-gay fear tactics about bathrooms are just vulgar

California 'Gay Therapy' Ban Won't Be Revisited By Court - And another victory for our lgbt children. It's been a GOOD day! 

  Video: To clear name of anti-gay extremism, Dave Agema goes on America's most extreme anti-gay show - Bryan Fischer and Dave Agema have a "love-fest" on the subject of who hates gays more. No spontaneous combustion took place. Darn. 

 NRO: We'll Lose Our Freedom If Businesses Have To Treat Gay People Like Everyone Else - When comes to things like this, let these folks dig their own graves by their own words. 

 AND FINALLY (drum roll, please . . .) 

  GLAAD announces nominees for 25th Annual GLAAD Media Awards - Congratulations to all of the nominees, including THIS BLOG which walked away with a nomination for Outstanding Blog of the Year. It's such an honor for me to receive this nomination and I am simply floored by it. Actually that's not true because I've been walking on air all day. I want to thank everyone who supported this blog over the years and gave me words of encouragement, especially last week. The entire list of nominees for Outstanding Blog of the Year is impressive and I am equally honored to be included in such incredible company. The entire list:


  1. Congratulations!

  2. Bruce EqualityAmerica Lang4:31 PM

    Like you lost your freedom when lunch counters had to integrate or buses? Why do you think your "rights" get to trump mine?

  3. Congrats on the GLAAD nomination!

  4. Melissa8:54 AM

    Congrats on the GLADD nomination! Well deserved!
