Tuesday, February 18, 2014

'ANOTHER attack on marriage equality featuring incest and polygamy' and other Tuesday midday news briefs

AFA attacks Chevrolet for remembering that gay people have families, buy cars - And there, brothers and sisters, is the crux of anti-gay dishonesty. It's not enough for them to believe that we are base creatures unconcerned with things like love, morality, and family. They want to force others to push that belief. 

NRO's Prager: Incest, Polygamy Are Logical Consequences Of Marriage Equality - Dennis Prager of the National Review, you are the one millionth conservative to connect marriage equality to incest and polygamy. Tell us what he wins, Bob. I would tell him but I've already got one fool falsely claiming that I issue vague, Jedi Mind type threats.

How A ‘Scientific Statement’ Convinced Uganda’s President To Sign The Anti-Homosexuality Bill - Just as I thought. That "scientific report' which convinced Uganda's president to sign the anti-gay persecution bill had NO scientific proof claimed that people are "taught" to be gay. Sounds like this mess was rigged from the beginning. 

 Bill to Prevent Gay Conversion Passes WA House - Sweet!  

It's Time to End the Long History of Feminism Failing Transgender Women - An absolutely vile attack is being perpetrated on transgender women under everyone's noses by a surprising culprit. It's so sad. Just awful.


  1. I went and read most of the pieces you listed.
    Prager is just like the President of Uganda and other countries with anti-LGBT laws. Their ignorance is self imposed and they should not be in charge of dumping trash. In this day and age, there is no reason for not knowing the truth about most anything. If you "choose" to not research then it is your fault, not the fault of those who must suffer for your stupidity.

    Brennen is dangerous for several reasons. She has crossed the line by contacting employers about their Transgender employees and should suffer law suites against her. I would rip her a new one if she were to mess with me.
    She doesn't have a clue about Transgender women or she would not be leaving them out of the feminist movement so she is just making shit up and has no credibility.
    While I am not Transgender or a screaming feminist, just the run of the mill kind, I put her on the list with Ann Coulter. A vulgar excuse for a female and huge waste of space.
    Thanks for the leads and I hope you are feeling better.
    ps. Love the change from letters to numbers. Much easier.

  2. ?NRO's Prager: Incest, Polygamy Are Logical Consequences Of Marriage Equality - Dennis Prager of the National Review, you are the one millionth conservative to connect marriage equality to incest and polygamy."

    Not to mention the million who said the same about legalizing "mixed race" marriages. Some people are unclear about the concept of consenting adults, aren't they?
