Monday, February 10, 2014

''Right to discriminate' laws will be new threat to lgbt equality' and other Monday midday news briefs

Wave of new state bills: Religious freedom or license to discriminate? - This is the warning and the lgbt community should pay heed. With the push of "right to discriminate" laws, anti-gay groups and their supporters seem to be surrendering on the fight against marriage equality and instead trying to push a legislative virus in our victories. 

Robert Oscar Lopez parlays Woody Allen's heterosexual behavior into attack on gay parents - Tune in next week when Lopez will no doubt parlay the loss of the Denver Broncos in the recent Super Bowl into an attack on gay parents.  

The Christian Right's Bizarre Delusions of Persecution - If there is one thing from this article you should remember, repeat, and send amongst your friends, it's the five steps the Christian right use to pretend victimhood: 

1) Enter into a community that is, by its nature, inclusive of people of various faiths and beliefs.
2) Break some common rule everyone is expected to follow. 
3) Get corrected or punished for breaking the rule. 
4) Squeal about how it’s because you’re a Christian and they’re bigots and oppressors. 
5) By the time the truth gets out, your story will be an urban legend spread far and wide, and your fellow conservative Christians will never really know the facts.  

Why Conservatives Defend Ex-Gay Therapy: Gay People ‘Entrap’ And ‘Groom’ Children - Give the anti-gay right time and they will do something monumentally stupid. In this case, it's the Liberty Counsel's Mat Staver. The Liberty Counsel is leading the court charge against states who outlaw the discredited practice of "ex-gay" therapy for minors. But forget the arguments of parents rights and such the group will most likely use in court. What Staver said in a recent interview about gays "entrapping and grooming" children is a good reason why he should be called to testify by those defending the laws against "ex-gay" therapy. 

18 DISGUSTING Responses To Michael Sam, Gay Football Star, Coming Out - Like I said, it's not easy being a pioneer. The irony is that I bet none of these cowards would say this stuff to Mr. Sam's face.

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