Monday, March 31, 2014

'Happy International Transgender Day Of Visibility 2014!' and other Monday midday news briefs

42 Unforgettable Moments From The UK’s First Same-Sex Wedding - Sweet! Marriage equality became official in the UK last weekend. 

How One Reverend Is Defying Uganda’s ‘Kill The Gays’ Act - American evangelicals should take note. THIS is Christianity and bravery.  

Happy International Transgender Day Of Visibility 2014! - Did you know that today is International Transgender Day of Visibility? Well now you do. So educate yourself on it by way of my good friend, Monica Roberts.

Laverne Cox to be honored at #glaadawards, Ellen Page to present - Good for her! I can't think of a more deserving recipient.  

They Fought The Gays and The Gays Won: How The “Duck Dynasty” Stars’ Homophobia Destroyed Their Brand - An interesting and very good take on the Duck Dynasty controversy.  

Gordon Klingenschmitt Poised To Clinch GOP Nomination In Colorado Race - What is this? April Fool's Day?


  1. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Whoever decided that the best day for the Transgender Day of Visibility should be on April Fools, the day known for pulling tricks and things not being what they seem, should be fired from ever making those decisions. I can't think of a worse day to pick, considering all the negative stereotypes the transgedered community faces. It just doesn't make any sense.

  2. Hey anonymous, I feel your anger but a little correction is in order. Transgender Day of Visibility is not on April Fool's Day. It is on March 31, the day before April Fool's Day.

  3. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Awesome. that makes much more sense, thanks for the correction.
