Thursday, March 27, 2014

Maryland passes law banning anti-transgender discrimination

Maryland's transgender community received a much deserved victory today:

The Fairness for All Marylanders Act just passed in the House of Delegates by a vote of 82-57 and now heads to Governor O’Malley for his signature. This bill will add explicit protections on the basis of gender identity to Maryland’s non-discrimination laws, making Maryland the 18th state to have such protections, and leaving only three states in the country that have sexual orientation but not gender identity state-wide non-discrimination protections.

And Governor O'Malley WILL sign this bill.  Of course, the anti-gay right will start whining about "bathroom bills" and push lies about men invading women's locker rooms and restrooms in order to either "sneak a peek" or sexually harass. However, this is nothing but a lie. The following chart by Equality Matters (which I have been practically dying for an excuse to put up) puts those horror stories to rest:

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