Tuesday, June 24, 2014

THIS is what happens when you allow anti-gay folks to speak their minds . . .

The below video accentuates what I've always said. Sometimes you should let those who profess anti-gay beliefs to get all their feelings out. It's good for us all:

According to my buddies at the GLAAD Award-winning The New Civil Rights Movement and Ed Brayton of Free Thought Blogs :

 The self-proclaimed leader of what he claims is a group called the Vanguard of Christ the King spent seven and a half minutes last week yelling to the Sterling Heights, Michigan city council about why he opposes a non-discrimination ordinance. The elderly man, who identified himself as Don Lobsinger, appeared angry as he delivered his diatribe against equality for LGBT people, or, as he calls them, people who have "the gay condition" and exhibit "gay behavior."

Lobsinger proceeded to make a complete ass of himself during his testimony so much so that he was escorted out by law officials. By the way, the non-discrimination ordinance passed unanimously.


  1. ColdCountry10:51 PM

    Donald Lobsinger is no random crazy. According to Google, he has a real history. The man is ugly to the bone, in the worst way. Just two examples from youtube:

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    How do you reconcile the gay lifestyle with what the Bible says?

    1. You pray and ask for understanding. The Bible in itself cannot be taken for complete instruction without prayer to God. Either way, not every Christian believes the same thing about what the Bible says.
