Monday, July 14, 2014

'Group planning 40-day fast against marriage equality' & other Monday midday news briefs

Editor's note - beginning tomorrow, my postings will less on schedule than usual due to my attending the Netroots Nation conferences. But I will have things up, so please check back now and then when you can.

Christian Group Plans 40-Day Fast Against Marriage Equality - Oh for Pete's sake! I am not against this sort of thing (Gandhi would fast for a cause) but don't you think that fasting so that lgbts and their families don't receive rights defeats the noble notion of the practice?

  The Woman Who Helped Change How Police Treat Transgender People - A genuine hero gets her due.

 Former Congresswoman Apologizes For Requesting Religious Exemption From LGBT Protections - Fine. Just don't let it happen again.

 Comic book icon Archie to be killed off while protecting gay friend - Sorry but I simply DO NOT agree with this. 

 Will criminalization of HIV transmission hinder or help prevention efforts? - And Uganda shoots itself in the foot with its homophobia.

1 comment:

  1. garygdw9:04 PM

    Alvin, I hope you have the best time at Netroots. Come back refreshed and motivated.
