Monday, July 21, 2014

'Religious liberty' the latest buzzword for homophobia

The more I think of this bogus argument of  "religious liberty" or "religious freedom," the more angry I become about how the entire debate is being conducted with no perspective. "Religious liberty" is merely a new anti-gay buzzword. It is the latest in a long line of concepts and claims used to justify anti-gay animus and discrimination.  It's nothing new and it shouldn't be debated as if it is a new concept. Allow me to elucidate with the use of words and visuals from various anti-gay spokespeople in debates throughout the years:

1970s: Gays are pedophiles - "As a mother I know that homosexuals cannot biologically reproduce children. Therefore, they must recruit our children." - Anita Bryant

1980s - The AIDS crisis  ''The poor homosexuals -- they have declared war upon nature, and now nature is extracting an awful retribution.'' - columnist and Presidential candidate Pat Buchanan

1990s: Gays in the Military -  "Homosexuals are a very unstable group . . . They are restless in their contacts, lonely, jealous, and neurotic depressive. As a category of people, homosexuals have a greater indiscipline problem than heterosexuals . . ." - Robert (Bob) McGinnis, columnist, present employee with the Family Research Council

2000s: Marriage Equality - "Same-sex unions are not marriages. Political regimes based on lies about human nature cannot last. Same-sex marriage takes a sacred institution, with deep roots in human nature, and tries to turn it into the plaything of politicians, a creature of the state, a bundle of rights to be tossed about between adults. Something so feebly rooted, so fragilely constructed and imposed cannot last." - Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage

2010s:  Religious liberty - “I’m beginning to think, are re-education camps next? When are they going to start rolling out the boxcars to start hauling off Christians?” - Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering when you were going to bring all this up.
