Conservatives Launch ‘Unprecedented’ Campaign Against Pro-Marriage Equality Republicans - NOM, the Family Research Council, and CitizenLink is encouraging folks to NOT cast their ballots for three Republicans who support marriage equality and also because two of the candidates are gay. I've heard of getting so angry that you grab your toys and go home, but grabbing other people's toys too? Wow!
Anti-gay pastor says he’s victim of discrimination - His blatant homophobia kept him from getting a job at a Georgia health agency so now he is suing for discrimination. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT! Anti-Gay Pastor Likens Fight Against Marriage Equality To The American Revolution - Since a black pastor made this statement, I can say the following with impunity and a clear conscience - NEGRO, PLEASE!!!!
Can you honestly assess anything, Tony Perkins? #VVS14 - Apparently the Southern Poverty Law Center isn't the only person the Family Research Council lied on in its letter from last night.
Never underestimate th power and sickness of your average low intelligence Bigot!