Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Anti-gay leaders can't refute HRC 'Export of Hate' report

Last week, the Human Rights Campaign unveiled a stunning report which accused various religious right leaders of spreading anti-gay hate and propaganda abroad.

The Export of Hate called out several religious right leaders, including Peter LaBarbera, Paul Cameron, and Scott Lively.

They spew venomous rhetoric, outrageous theories, and discredited science. Some claim that LGBT people are responsible for the Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide, and the spread of HIV/AIDS. Others argue that LGBT people are luring away children, and that acceptance of LGBT people will lead to the destruction of families around the world. Some even suggest that the death penalty could be an appropriate punishment for simply being LGBT.

HRC's report also includes  short videos spotlighting each leader.

Now these individuals had every opportunity to refute the report. The following are various responses they gave:

Peter LaBarbera -   LaBarbera says he’s tempted to “laugh off HRC’s shenanigans,” but he understands some people with a violent bent might take action against him on account of the report. LaBarbera, Peter“Basically they're trying to create an image of pro-family Christians as being the haters that they claim we are,” he says. “We don't hate homosexuals. We don't hate anybody," the activist counters. "We simply want people to repent and turn away from homosexual behavior. But because we're not haters they had to create hateful images to associate with us.”

Scott Lively - I believe they are now deliberately trying to incite murder against me and every other person on their enemies list . . .Because I am a Bible-believing Christian I am not afraid of death. But neither am I volunteering for martyrdom. As of today I am for the first time going to start taking precautions against the possibility of being assassinated by agents of the LGBT movement. For one thing, I will no longer publicize my travel schedule in advance.

Michael Brown -  I'm here to the put the HRC on notice: Your fear-mongering tactics will be exposed and, speaking for myself (but with confidence that my words apply to others), I will not bow down to your bullying tactics or your rap-sheet nonsense.

Robert Oscar Lopez - This is a teachable moment because it reveals a great deal about what makes the Human Rights Campaign tick. They’re after your kids, plain and simple; all their other issues are mere window dressing. They have convinced themselves that gays are a tribe unto themselves, so their consuming goal is to populate the tribe so they don’t disappear. Parenthood is their great white whale. They want to have children to love them and call them Mom and Dad. They need to get those children from you because biology prevents them from siring them naturally. Gentlemen readers, these folks are trying to find a way to get the sperm out of your testicles and into their laboratories; lady readers, these folks need to find a way to implant an embryo of their sperm in your womb, keep you obedient during the gestation, and take your baby away forever.

While all of these individuals played the "fear card," not one outright denied the charges of HRC's report. The only person who came relatively close was Michael Brown, but he sidestepped HRC's pertinent accusation:

And I simply reported the facts in terms of American culture and education and the media and religious rights in light of LGBT advances.

That in itself, as well as the absolutely shrill responses, proves that HRC's report was a huge success. It struck a raw nerve. 

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