Wednesday, September 17, 2014

'South Carolina Pride will celebrate 25 years!!!!!' & other Wednesday midday news briefs

Flying the Flag: South Carolina’s Pride Movement Celebrates a Quarter Century - In the heart of the south, in the midst of stereotypes and homophobia, the South Carolina Pride Movement has stood for 25 years and will be celebrating this anniversary on Saturday. While everyone's eyes and minds are on the big meccas like NY and CA, SC Pride has stood up to homophobic legislators, ignorant public leaders, and has generated many years of success. To be honest, SC Pride is indicative of the entire South Carolina lgbt community. We are like Motown in its heyday in that you can't attribute our success to simply one person because we have so many superstars fighting for equality and respect. 

Christian Conservatives Praise Putin For Anti-Gay Laws – Ignore His Persecution Of Christians - And the winners of the Della Reese "dumbest asses in captivity award" . . . 

 Laurie Higgins: 'Counter-Insurgency Needed' To Stop 'Homo-Activism' - That would be one hell of a boring counter-insurgency. Folks would be defecting to our side.  

Sean Hannity: Parents Should Be Allowed To Teach Kids ‘Being Gay Is Not Normal’ - Yes they should, but neither the lgbt community nor our children should have to accommodate that ignorance. If your parents teach you something that nasty, schools shouldn't have to take your beliefs over the existence of lgbt children or children who live in same-sex households attending the same schools.

Mainstream media is catching on to NOM's broader agenda - AT LAST!!  

Video: Brian Brown's fellow panelist gives insight into Moscow panel's extreme views on homosexuality, marriage - This situation regarding Brian Brown, NOM, and Russia has the potential to be explosive. Let's encourage folks like Jeremy Hooper who are on top of it.


  1. "Christian Conservatives Praise Putin For Anti-Gay Laws – Ignore His Persecution Of Christians - And the winners of the Della Reese "dumbest asses in captivity award" . . ."

    What's the deal with Della, must I stop watching "Touched by an Angel?"

    Seriously, Alvin, has she drunk the kool-aid?


  2. Hey Patrick,

    I meant no disrespect to Della Reese. The "dumbest asses in captivity" comment was actually an insult she threw at Redd Foxx in the movie "Harlem Nights." I thought it was appropriate here. LOL

  3. Oh thank Goodness, I get so much out of “Touched by an Angel” and christian music -- it’s just so disheartening when I hear that one of them has drunk the gay-bashing kool-aid.
