Monday, October 20, 2014

'Anti-gay right exploiting 'for-profit' ministers to create moral panic' & other Monday midday news briefs

Caught ya: Far-right's latest marriage 'victim' edited website to make more solid legal case - A false headline about ministers going to jail here, a crucial webpage change there, add a few more hyperbolic headlines and tweets and boom - you have a phony case of ministers (albeit for-profit, which the anti-gay right won't tell you) allegedly being threatened with jail time for not performing gay weddings. What's worse? The idea that the religious right are actually attempting to create this false moral panic or the fact that they are so sloppily transparent. Whatever to the good old days when villainy had a certain style and mystery?

President Obama Says There's A Constitutional Right to Nationwide Marriage Equality - Religious right major freak out in 5 . . 4 . . 3 . .  

Pelosi endorses openly trans military service - Good for her!

 Flip Benham Crashes Gay Weddings In North Carolina - I feel sorry for this fool if he ever tried to crash my wedding. The thought of what my mother alone would do to him scares the heck out of me.  

GOP Attorney General Says It Is ‘Unethical’ To Keep Fighting Marriage Equality In Court - Like I say, "give it up, turn it loose."

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Shrinker11:20 AM

    "Flip Benham Crashes Gay Weddings In North Carolina"

    It didn't take long for someone to step forward and try to steal Fred Phelp's act, did it?
