Friday, October 03, 2014

'Being gay and under financial hardships' & other Friday midday news briefs

How Being Gay 'Decimated' This Man's Life Savings - Forget about that nonsense regarding the bakery. THIS STORY HERE is what we should be talking about.

 Influential Religious Right Donor Indicted For His Role In The Lisa Miller Kidnapping Case - Keep an eye on this case. Slowly but surely it's moving into some serious religious right inner circles.

Meet two activists who brought sweeping change to the gay rights movement - Two awesome individuals. One I know on a personal level (little complaint on the general scheme of things - are we ever going to hear about lgbts of color helping to change the gay rights movement one day?)  

Fearing Same-Sex Marriage, Louisiana Church Kicks Out Alcoholics Anonymous Group - Oh real Christian, guys.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Regarding Baptist church kicking AA to the curb: On the same day I that story broke I noticed Billy Graham's daily drivel had a question about an alcoholic father. He advised prayer, confronting the dad and asking his pastor and/or doctor about local resources for recovery. No mention of AA, which is the obvious choice. Honestly, they'll hate on anybody. Mike Huckabee wants all atheists out of government. Apparently if you aren't taking your orders from a Mega-church and tithing to it you are a menace to them.
