Monday, December 22, 2014

NOM's warped version of The Nativity Story leaves out 'peace on Earth' & 'good will towards men'

And now here is the Nativity story according to Brian Brown of NOM:

Brian Brown of NOM
Recently, reflecting on the story of the birth of Christ, I realized something... When Jesus came into the world, it was with nothing. No money. They had to move to a new city. His father, Joseph, had to start a new business. They didn't even have a home to stay in as he came into our world. But the one thing God did give him — seemingly the one thing God thought His only begotten Son could NOT do without — was a loving mother and father to care for and protect Him. It underscores the foundational importance of the mission that NOM has undertaken – to defend marriage and work to ensure that every child in our society, as much as it is possible, enjoys the love of his mother and father. We are winding down our year-end, $200,000 matching gift campaign. To date we have raised almost $60,000 toward our goal. If you haven't yet made a gift that will be matched dollar-for-dollar, please prayerfully consider making a generous contribution of $35, $50, $100, $500, or even a major gift of $1,000 or more to help NOM close the year on firm financial footing so we can provide marriage with the best defense possible in this pivotal coming year. We tend to think of Christ magically moving from an infant to an adult, with only scant glimpses of him as a teen. But the reality is that in assuming the human form, Jesus experienced the unique contributions of a father and a mother in his life. For years, Jesus learned how to live, act, feel, work, care and love by absorbing the unique gifts of his father and his mother, who represent the two halves of humanity. The Holy Family is the perfect example for the human family — a man and a woman coming together in love for each other, and to provide the ideal environment for any children born of their union. That is what marriage is, and the story of Christmas perfectly models it for us. 

Brown's rendition of the Christmas story would almost make sense except for the fact that women who had children without a husband were mostly shunned back then.  And  according to the Bible, Mary was a virgin and not pregnant with Jesus via any type of intercourse with Joseph but through the Holy Spirit.

So technically, Jesus had two fathers.

But who cares about all of that. Whatever happened to the "peace on Earth and good will towards men" part?


  1. Not to mention the fact that Joesph essentially disappears from the Bible as Jesus grew into Adulthood.

  2. “So technically, Jesus had two fathers.”

    What I want to know is did the Holy Spirit force Itself onto Mary or was she willingly cheating on Joseph? ;)

  3. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I also love how they're proud that they raised $60k toward the matching gift over the past several weeks. I've seen HRC do that at a 3 hour dinner on more than one occasion.

  4. "Spirit" is female in Hebrew (neuter in Greek): it would be closer to say Jesus had two mothers! [And a male "Big Brother" in Joseph]

  5. Bluggs2:43 AM

    Sorry but they didn't "move to a new city" or "start a new business." Jospeh was already a carpenter, a business, which in any case you don't just start suddenly. Also it was explicitly stated that they went to Bethlehem (called the City of David but not actually more than a small hamlet if that)to be registered for a census. They didn't move there. All this, of course aside from the fact, the whole story is made to be in line with other well known "hero" myths. It seems however, that NOM don't even know their own myth very well....

  6. Anonymous6:54 AM

    He also forgot that as Jesus grew up he didn't marry a woman. Instead, he lived with 12 other men and the love of his life was another man named Paul. Sounds pretty gay to me.

  7. Fr Jack7:19 AM

    Bluggs, could he have meant Egypt?

    Funny how you can turn a story about the intervention of God in human history into an advertisement for heteronormative parenting.
