Thursday, February 05, 2015

'GOP leaders to appear in wacky, offensive anti-gay documentary' & other Thursday afternoon news briefs

Editor's note - Sorry about the delay on today's news briefs. Long story. Anyway . . .

Anti-gay activist Janet Porter is apparently making the anti-gay version of "Around The World in 80 Days." That is to say the documentary she is working on (in which she AGAIN claims that gays are working to criminalize Christians) will feature cameos from almost every anti-gay activist in the business and some Congressional leaders, including:

 Rep. Steve King, Rep. Trent Franks, Rep. Louie Gohmert, Rep. Tim Huelskamp, Sen. Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, David Barton, James Dobson, Mat Staver, Phyllis Schlafly, Scott Lively, Alveda King, Brian Camenker, Frank Pavone, Robert Knight, John Stemberger, and, of course, Porter herself, who can been seen walking around in the woods with a lantern, warning that gay activists are seeking to turn Christians into criminals. 

As the above video preview shows, the documentary would be hilariously bad except for the fact that these folks are serious with their false claims.  And Porter wants churches to see it. Notice the African-American man at 2:27 who claims that gay/straight alliances are clubs about sex. He is John R. Diggs, yet another phony "expert," who published a seriously flawed, vulgarly inaccurate paper on supposed gay sex habits. Apparently,  Porter seems to also attempting to cram every homophobic stereotype in this documentary.

Republican Leaders Join Anti-Gay Extremists For Insane Documentary - As mentioned above, there will be some Congressional leaders who will be joining Porter in this documentary. And possibly some prospective Republican presidential candidates. And just who is Porter you ask? Well I've featured her many times but Right Wing Watch has this excellent break down of her "exploits." You are going to have read about her "activities and claims for yourself because all of that crazy would make my blog self-destruct. Needless to say there will be some Republican presidential candidates who may have lots of explaining to do.

Mike Huckabee had no reason to link pedophilia to homosexuality in his new book—he just did. - Speaking of Republican presidential candidates, Jeremy Hooper just gave me a good idea for a question reporters need to ask Huckabee - "Mr. Huckabee, why is it that when you talk about the gay community, often times a mention about pedophilia doesn't seem to be far behind?"

Pope Francis Announces Support For Banning Same-Sex Marriage And Adoption - Why is the Pope running hotter and colder than my last boyfriend?

The Ugly, Hateful Result Of The Anti-Gay “Religious Liberty” Debate - or how one can attempt to play the 'religious liberty' card to excuse just about any negative thing said about lgbts.


  1. Erica Cook3:59 PM

    They haven't isolated the Dyslexia gene, but we now know it is inherited. When I grew up it was considered to be either a cause of oxygen deprivation at birth or a disciplinary problem.

    But the actual area of the brain that is formed differently has been isolated. Just because the gene hasn't been found doesn't mean anything. Oh, and spina bifida isn't genetic, and they were definitely born that way. I can play this game with them all day.

  2. There are "gay genes" a plenty.

    See comments 2&3.

  3. The priest at the end: "They want to silence the whole gospel"

    I expect that would come as news to LGBT Christians.
