Tuesday, March 10, 2015

'Silly overreaction over transgender woman in gym sparks unnecessary controversy' & other Tuesday midday news briefs

Gym Stands Up For Trans Woman, Kicks Out Member Who Wouldn’t Stop Complaining - The anti-gay right has been attempting to exploit this story to show the so-called dangers of pro-transgender inclusive anti-discrimination laws. But as Zack Ford from Think Progress clarifies, this is really an example of an extremely silly overreaction of one former gym member and an example of the nonsense that our transgender sisters have to go through. Much props for Planet Fitness for standing its ground and the transgender sister for coming public to demand her respect.

A Record Number Of Voters Support Gay Marriage, New Poll Finds - This DID NOT happen overnight. We fought tooth and nail for this. 

 Christian University Forbids Fundraiser Benefiting LGBT Homeless youth - Because apparently Jesus told an alternative story of  'The Good Samaritan' where everyone left the robbed traveler on the road to die.  

Matt Barber's overcompensating bravado again helps our side more than his own - In which the anti-gay spokesman Matt Barber provides proof of anti-gay animus against marriage equality (which of course never helps his side in the courts) and auditions to be a low-budget (and I am talking extremely low-budget) Dr. Seuss.  

More gay black characters on TV series these days: 'Empire,' 'Being Mary Jane,' 'The Haves & The Have Nots' - It's about time. NOW let's talk about a J.R. Ewing/Alexis Carrington Colby gay character. And call me for auditions when there is one to be created.

  LaBarbera: GOP Will Fall If It Stops Talking About Gay Kisses On TV - Now what are my news briefs without a little bit of "crazy?"


  1. J.M.L. - ATL10:14 AM

    I feel that I can comment here rather than in the comment section of Think Progress or Huffington Post. Maybe there can be a more productive conversation.

    About the transgender woman in the Planet Fitness locker room:

    First thing: I am not transgender. I am, however, a masculine of center lesbian that is regularly mistaken for a man by males and females.

    I think there has to be a better solution to the issue of locker room / bathroom usage by transgender and other non-gender conforming people. As much as cis-gendered women say that they feel uncomfortable using "private areas" with trans women, I too am uncomfortable using those same facilities for a different set of reasons.

    I have been harassed (twice by the same person), stared at, and even reported to management at my local gym for my presence in the ladies locker room. I have experienced the "shock scream", the "this is the ladies locker room", the "is that a man?", and the "chest stare" looking for breasts under my shirt. As a result of these things, I no longer use the changing or shower facilities at my gym. I would like to have the option to undress and change my clothes without being made to be seen as some kind of spectacle to be gawked at.

    I am all in favor of the "family or unisex" restroom / locker room so that everyone can be comfortable. No one should have to look over their shoulder wondering if I'm going to be harassed again by some woman that doesn't think I look like a woman, and therefore shouldn't be there.

  2. Erica Cook6:38 PM

    JML makes a point. The harassment and abuse of transgender people comes from a philosophy in our society that harms anyone who doesn't fit into their gender norm. I find it very sad and difficult that the LGB community separates itself from the transgender/intersex community, and that the women's movement separates itself from us. Every one of these issues comes from the same place; woman shaming. The general society that promotes this attitude relies on us all fighting against each other. It effects us all differently, but we are all hurt by it and we shouldn't be playing this stupid game of who's issue matters more. Let's all fight the actual problem. And this isn't about hating on straight men. It's about valuing the feminine as much as the masculine.

  3. Alvin are you going to report on the jerk in California trying to pass a kill the gays bill by initiative. I think we ought to all raise hell about it.

  4. Adam,

    I think that turkey has been over reported. He probably only did it to gain attention. It's the covert, low down dirty stuff done under our noses which is dangerous.
