Tuesday, April 28, 2015

'SCOTUS hearing marriage equality oral arguments' & other Tuesday midday news briefs

Editor's note - We are all on pins and needles about the SCOTUS oral arguments on marriage equality today. They are happening even as I write this and if you want to check them out, go to the live stream at SCOTUSblog

Anti-Gay Protester Disrupts SCOTUS Marriage Hearing: 'Homosexuality is an Abomination!' - I had a feeling that there would be some type of disruption but if this is the most that will happen, that's good.

 Janet Porter: Supreme Court Marriage Ruling Could Land Christians In Jail - The crazy people are just being more crazy. 

 Supreme Court Hearing Same-Sex Marriage Arguments - And an evenhanded look at how things are going. 

 Anti-Gay GOP Lawmaker Outed After Sending Explicit Photo To Another Man - Meanwhile, the battle for lgbt respect and such still goes on on a personal level.

 Court Says ‘Religious Freedom’ Gives T-Shirt Company The Right To Discriminate Against LGBT Group - And legally.

These Twins Want The Supreme Court To Recognize Their Dads’ Marriage - At the end of the day, this is what it's all about.  

Coming Out As Gay In Elementary School - And this. Let me be honest with you. I personally don't expect to get married. It would be nice and who knows what may happen, but I want marriage equality so that our children can decide their future choices based upon what they have a right to receive, not what's denied to them. To me, the argument of marriage equality is simple - it's about dignity for present lgbt couples and potential future lgbt couples.

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