Friday, May 22, 2015

'Fans rush to defend Josh Duggar' & other Friday midday news briefs

‘Boys are curious': Meet the Duggar defenders using religion to excuse fondling your sleeping sisters - Even in the midst of the scandal, Josh Duggar and his family has their defenders . . . 

‘Here are 6 of the most horrifying examples of the Duggars’ homophobia  - . . . who seem to not only justify what Duggars did but also miss the big point of hypocrisy.  
Montel Williams Goes Off on ‘Scumbag’ Josh Duggar: ‘Gay People Are the Danger to Kids?’ - Montel Williams gets the point, though.

The Family Research Council’s Strange Statement On Josh Duggar’s Child Molestation Confession - Meanwhile, Duggar's former employer, the Family Research Council is left in a stupor because a central point it makes, i.e. gays are harmful to children, just got blown up in its face.


  1. Anonymous2:41 PM

    This type of duplicity is coming to light more often and people are noticing. A recent, creditable, poll now shows a full 50% of our country in favor of equality.

    With the next major decision being that of SCOTUS, Yes or No on question #1--a No will allow states, and some will, to back-peddle, reversing their stance, bringing back archaic, self serving laws--it is only a matter of time.

  2. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Counting the days to when someone claims that liberals are the ones being hypocrites, judging Josh Duggar and supporting the Clintons.
