Friday, June 12, 2015

'Survey - People of faith oppose 'religious liberty' laws' & other Friday midday news briefs

This booklet breaks down anti-gay lies
What Religious People Actually Think About Using ‘Religious Liberty’ To Justify Anti-Gay Discrimination - I hate to sound like Sarah Palin, but the media is not doing this job to get this news out. To hear them tell it, the only religious folks are those white Christian evangelicals who are always spouting against lgbt equality. THIS article is what I'm talking about when I say "nuance." 

 Seoul’s Pride Events Are Off To A Pretty Terrible Start - This is NOT good. The lgbt community in Seoul have been outdone by the anti-gay opposition in a huge way. They would never be able to do that here, but still . . . 

Teen Sues School District In Potentially Key Federal Case For Transgender Restroom Rights - I hope he wins. He certainly has my admiration. 

 'Oranges, Baby Powder, Handcuffs And Duct Tape': Inside The Trial That May End The Gay 'Cure' - I still have my eyes on this trial. The repercussions could be sweet!  

How They See Us: Unmasking the Religious Right War on Gay America - shameless plug time. If you haven't downloaded this free booklet on anti-gay propaganda, please do so. This link will take directly to it for you to download, read, share, etc. Michelangelo Signorile said it best. This is NOT over regardless of whether or not the Supreme Court gives us 50-state marriage equality. As we saw yesterday in North Carolina and Michigan, the anti-gay right and their supporters have already planned for that outcome and we shouldn't ignore them. They have the money, influence, and intelligence to conflate religious belief with anti-gay lies and propaganda. This short, but definitive, booklet on anti-gay propaganda breaks it down in a way it should have been broken down a long time ago.

1 comment:

  1. Re TPM, “nuance”

    “The findings reflect a trend that … religious people actually generally champion LGBT rights
    The survey also revealed … in 2006, the majority of Americans — 56 percent — believed that the question of same-sex marriage should be answered at the national level.

    But according to the 2015 survey … only 19 percent of Americans think the issue should be addressed at the national level, with 72 percent saying it should be left up to the states to decide.

    I’ve gotten this impression before, that the majority are ok with us having "equal rights" except when it comes to marriage.

    But that 72% number in favor of states deciding is appalling. Saying the states should decide is the same as saying the “people” should decide which is the same as saying it’s perfectly appropriate for the majority to decide the rights of the minority.

    The statistics in favor of marriage equality have been climbing for years and all I've heard over the past few months is that those for it are at least 50%, with some stats showing it closer to 60%.

    If both stats are correct, I guess the question then becomes; How can you be in favor of marriage equality AND think that my civil right to it should be put up for a vote?

