Tuesday, July 07, 2015

'SC State Senator who went on wild anti-gay tirade affiliated with Ted Cruz' & other Tues midday news briefs

Just in case you missed or hadn't heard this lovely tirade from SC State Sen. Lee Bright yesterday, here it is. It's interesting how he conflates the issue of keeping the Confederate flag up with that of  stopping marriage equality. Not surprisingly, he is affiliated with Senator Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz: America Facing Destruction Over Gay Marriage, A Hollywood Propaganda Effort – VIDEO - Who you can tell by this video, isn't marriage equality's best buddy. Two things lgbts should think about if they chose to support Cruz.  Neither your money nor your status will protect you. Those who know what I'm talking about know what I'm talking about.

This Is What Happens To Court Clerks Who Refuse To Issue Same Sex Marriage Licenses - They will be fined. It may seem harsh, but clerks are government officials and SHOULD do their jobs. 

Family Research Council, right-wing media caught lying about 'gag order' in anti-gay bakery controversy - Reposting last night's blog entry because we may have won marriage equality, but it hasn't kept the religious right and other folks from lying about us.

‘I deserve relief': County clerk wants taxpayers to help him avoid job duties on same-sex marriage - Actually his idea of filing for marriage licenses online isn't a bad idea, that is if we could trust some folks to not cause the requests to "disappear." 

 Ohio firefighter defends hateful rant against ‘delusional’ gay child: ‘This is Facebook’ - Because picking on gay child scared about his future is the "Christian" thing to do.

 Kobach: Adoption By Gay Couples 'Certainly Not Good For The Kids' - Pay attention. He is the Kansas Secretary of State and a "rising star in the Republican Party." Can you picture someone like him in national office?

1 comment:

  1. Facebook is just a thing. Well so is hate speech.

    I defend his right to say it - in fact glad he did so we know all about his feelings. Maybe his church is delusional, listening to voices of invisible people that aren't there? Please don't start with that s#!t and go put out real fires instead of starting your own sir.

    With as much respect as i can muster
