Thursday, January 07, 2016

Anti-gay hate group attacks ad for featuring same-sex family

The anti-gay American Family Association is going into orbit about a commercial featuring a same-sex family.

In fact, the organization  has begun an online petition decrying it. According to the Huffington Post:

 . . . (the petition calls) for supporters to urge the insurance company to "stop its promotion of normalizing homosexual parenting when children's welfare is at stake."
The petition reads:
The Allstate promotion does not share the reality that this child will grow up without the nurture that only a mother can provide. Nor does Allstate recognize the emotional trauma and questions this child will endure growing up in a home with two men.
Pointing to a debunked 2012 study that claimed to prove children of same-sex parents fared worse than those raised by heterosexual couples, AFA officials said, "Allstate has abandoned God's design for the family, and thus promotes a lifestyle that is not good for children."

Many have given their opinion on this nonsense and many of those opinions have been wonderful.

But as for me, I can't help wondering how does presidential candidate Marco Rubio feel about the situation? After all, he is making a campaign issue about rallying to the side of those against marriage equality. He even whines about marriage equality opposition being called "bigots." 

One wonders this includes those who will blatantly attack same-sex families.

1 comment:

  1. Given the AFA's -- and other anti-gay hate groups' -- continued use of the Regnerus paper, I blame above all the professional sociological associations, prime among them the American Sociological Association, for not getting the Regnerus paper retracted.

    The publisher, Elsevier, also has responsibility in this.

    I compiled, point by point, documentation showing that Regnerus and those who colluded with him violated the American Sociological Association's Code of Ethics. I submitted the material to the correct office at the ASA, but the ASA took no action.

    For that, I really have to blame the members of the ASA for not pushing hard enough to pressure Elsevier to retract the anti-gay hoax paper. Dr. Darren Sherkat, for example, who fashions himself to be a supporter of both gay rights, and honesty in scholarship, nonetheless as a board member of the journal that published Regnerus -- Social Science Research -- has deliberately and knowingly placed roadblocks against the junk paper being retracted. At one point he actually said, (and I have saved in an e-mail) words to the effect of "Yeah, I know some people will lose their kids because of this, but . . . " Sherkat is as guilty as Regnerus himself.

    Meanwhile, Pope Francis and his Church recently had success pushing the Regnerus hoax to deny gay people in Slovenia of their rights.

    Apart from this-or-that paper, the entire argument that every child must have a mother and a father is used against gay parents duplicitously. The bigots do not genuinely care about child welfare, and the prove of that is found in the fact that in the world right now, there are over 92 million homeless orphans with no living mother or father and at risk of starvation and death.

    Empirically we know that many gay and/or lesbian adults have successfully adopted such children and raised them in loving homes. If the bigots' first concern really were child welfare, and not political gay bashing, they would be working day and night to get the world's 92 million-plus homeless orphans housed, fed, cared for medically and placed into loving adoptive homes.
