Tuesday, January 19, 2016

'GOP panders to anti-gay groups, Clinton gets HRC endorsement' & other Tue. midday news briefs

Clinton gets HRC endorsement.
Seven GOP Candidates Seek To Out-Pander One Another In Courting The Religious Right - Those who don't think lgbt issues won't be a part of this election are only fooling themselves. 

MLK Day Speaker Doubles Down on Anti-Gay Views, Says He Loves LGBT CommunityVIDEO - We got a problem in Florida. 

 Anti-Gay Lawmakers Revive 'Witch Hunt' Against LGBTQ Youth Conference - We have a larger problem in Iowa and it demonstrates how we cannot ignore anti-gay leaders and organizations no matter how insane their rhetoric seems. This particular one has gotten state lawmakers to "investigate" and LGBTQ youth conference. And you know what I mean by "investigate."

  Shutt receives South Carolina Leadership in Law Award - One of the great unsung advocates of lgbt equality (and a good friend of mine) in the South gets her due Just more proof that we are doing amazing stuff down here in the South.  

Hillary Clinton Scores Endorsement From Biggest LGBT Rights Group - Something sure to make some folks on my side of the spectrum go into orbit in a positive and negative way.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I am surprised about the resilience of the anti-gay groups in the U.S. In Canada when marriage was passed the anti-gay groups mostly disappeared. Even the conservative newspapers now act as they were for gay people all along.

    When our Conservative party was elected they did have a parliamentary vote on whether to re-open the issue but did not try to win it. It was just a sop.

    It must be a sign of how thoroughly the religious right has taken over the Republican Party.
