Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Anti-gay group scared at idea of Obama picking new SCOTUS justice

The American Family Association is spooked to death at the prospect of President Obama naming a new Supreme Court Justice after the passing of Scalia. The anti-gay group sent out the following mass email:

This past weekend America lost a giant on the United States Supreme Court. The Honorable Justice Antonin Gregory Scalia died of natural causes this past Saturday. Justice Scalia served as the conscience of the Supreme Court, holding the line for an originalist interpretation of the Constitution and reflected on the bench the values that we hold dear on the home front.

Together with his family, our nation mourns the loss of this judicial hero.

Justice Scalia was a towering intellectual figure who believed, as you and I do, that the Constitution should be understood and applied as the Founders intended it.

We cannot allow President Obama to replace him with a judicial activist. Activist judges have mangled the Constitution almost beyond recognition, and we cannot allow Justice Scalia to be replaced by a justice who will continue to shred the Constitution rather than protect it and uphold it.

While the Constitution gives the president the right to nominate Supreme Court justices, it also gives the Senate the right to reject them. The Constitution does not even require an unacceptable nominee be given a vote on the floor.

President Obama might also resort to a recess appointment to fill the seat temporarily. This must not be allowed to happen. When the Senate goes into recess for 10 days or more, this door is opened to the president.

Contact your senators today, and urge them to block the president's attempt to pack the Court with another justice who will legislate from the bench.

And not even asking for money? AFA must be slipping.

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