Friday, May 20, 2016

'SC blocks SECOND 'bathroom bill' & other Fri midday news briefs

Senate blocks Berkeley bathroom ban - Since, as I said before, South Carolina doesn't seem to be on anyone's radar, you will probably miss the fact that our state Senators blocked SECOND anti-transgender bathroom bill. This was not as major as the first one we defeated, but still just as ornery. 

Conservatives Hope Religious Art Trumps LGBT Protections In New Lawsuit - Attaching the argument of "religious liberty" to bathroom usage. I don't think that's going to work . . . 

 LGBT Activists Arrested During North Carolina Bathroom Law Protest - THIS is getting interesting.

Maroon 5 Stands With Queer Community By Canceling NC Shows - VERY interesting.  

These Photographs Offer A Powerful Glimpse Into The Lives Of The LGBT Community In Bangladesh - We should never take the equality we have for granted.

1 comment:

  1. RE: "Conservatives Hope Religious Art Trumps LGBT Protections In New Lawsuit"

    The week before Easter the Arizona legislature passed a bill (SB1516) that will allow the state to force the repeal of all local non-discrimination ordinances that go beyond the state's NDO, along with any other local laws that the AG determines to be in contradiction to state law. This will be enforced with the threat to withhold state funding if the local law isn't brought into "compliance" within 30 days of the offending jurisdiction being notified of their non-compliance. SB1516 doesn't go into effect until later this year, so all they have to do is wait....

    Until then ADF can use this in their money begs.
