Tuesday, June 21, 2016

'Donald Trump meeting with the anti-lgbt right for seven hours' & other Tue. midday news briefs

Donald Trump is meeting with the anti-lgbt right even as I speak.

Inside Donald Trump’s Private Meeting With Evangelicals - Donald Trump is in the middle of a seven hour meeting with various religious right and anti-lgbt hate group leaders. That's not a meeting. That sounds like a reprogramming. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Whatever happens, the lgbt community need to keep our eyes open. It's gonna be hell for us regardless of the outcome. 

TODAY: Donald Trump Meets With 400 Top Anti-LGBT Christian Conservatives - More details about this "situation."  

Save Your Sympathy. You Are The Problem. - Probably one of the best piece about conservative hypocrisy regarding the Orlando tragedy. The writer gets specific.  

The Bathroom Sign Debate Has Ended And The Answer Is Prince - I'm speechless, but a good point has been made.  

Tennessee’s Anti-LGBT Counseling Law Just Lost It $5 Million In Revenue - Too bad. So sad. NOT!

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