Monday, September 19, 2016

A gay Latino attends a press conference of racist Trump supporters while filming it . . .

Stop me if you hear this joke.

A Latino gay guy goes to an right-wing racist press conference of Trump supporters while filming it. . .

Carlos Maza of Media Matters does what I could never do:

On September 9, three of the country’s most notorious white nationalists held a press conference in Washington, D.C., titled “What Is The Alt-Right?” The event, organized by the white nationalist “think tank” the National Policy Institute (NPI), came in response to growing media interest in the “alt-right” movement. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has helped mainstream the racist movement, including by hiring Breitbart News executive chairman Stephen Bannon as his campaign CEO. As the Southern Poverty Law Center has noted, under Bannon’s leadership, Breitbart has “has been openly promoting the core issues of the Alt-Right, introducing these racist ideas to its readership.”

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Alvin. I just you have to hate me now. The old white guy said so. Too bad, I really enjoy your blog. And to be frank, his notion of white has always been a minority, because it doesn't exist. Racial purity is an all out joke. A while back I said that every one of these people should be required to do a genealogy DNA test, and everyone thought I was saying it was because they needed to prove their purity. I was, but not for the reason they though. I'd like to force them to see that what they are claiming just doesn't exist.
