Monday, October 03, 2016

'Mike Pence should be asked about extensive history of homophobia during VP debate' & other Mon. midday news briefs

At The VP Debate, Mike Pence Should Be Asked About Anti-LGBT "Religious Freedom" Laws - Let's not feast on Donald Trump's errors that we forget about those of his VP pick. In the upcoming vice presidential debate, Pence has a LOT to answer for with regards to his long history of homophobia, particularly the mess he created in Indiana with his "religious freedom" law. Remember his claim that the law had nothing to do with anti-lgbt discrimination in spite of the fact that he was surrounded by statewide anti-lgbt activists when he signed the bill?:

College Football Championship Will Now Be Held In A City With LGBT Protections - Just in case you didn't hear, North Carolina continues to suffer for its transphobia.  

Lyft driver kicks out rider after homophobic, anti-Semitic rant - A reminder about the work which must be continued.

 Inside Mexico’s Surprise Backlash To Marriage Equality - One guess who was behind it and what lies they used to rally folks. The beast never changes course of attack because no one confronts the beast head on.


  1. Anonymous8:41 PM

    It's great to see the LGBT champions of tolerance and non-discrimination show such intolerance and discrimination against Christians.

  2. Anonymous, you really need to go somewhere else with that semantic trash. We aren't talking about simply respecting different beliefs in the case of Pence and his "religious liberty" laws. We are talking about codifying discrimination based upon religious beliefs. No one's religious beliefs should allow them to treat their fellow Americans like second class citizens. I mean really, did you even think before you wrote that nonsense? You basically saying in order to respect the beliefs of Christians who believe that homosexuality is a sin (because not ALL Christians believe that), lgbts should allow ourselves to be discriminated against even though we pay the same taxes and have the same rights as other Americans. You aren't asking for tolerance for your beliefs. You are demanding special privileges. Sorry, but you don't have a right to that.
