Friday, November 11, 2016

Are social issues already overwhelming Trump 'administration?'

Reports are that our soon-to-be vice president Mike Pence will now be the chairman of Trump's transition team. This means he will be instrumental in creating President-elect Donald Trump's administration.

This should be interesting, if not just a little spooky as hell.

Pence isn't exactly known for his even handed approach to anything, just his commitment to severe right-wing causes and individuals, even at the cost of  personal embarrassment.

How could one forget the boondoggle he caused last year with Indiana's anti-lgbt religious freedom law when he claimed it had nothing to do with discrimination, even though he took a picture of himself surrounded by statewide anti-lgbt activists when signing the bill into law:

Then he compounded his faux pas when he couldn't answer a simple question about whether or not the law could be used to discriminate against lgbts. He was asked the question eight times:

The fact that Pence wants to do away with abortion  and doesn't believe in evolution is additional gravy to this disgusting dish. Granted, Pence will be vice president, but Trump should be picking someone less, shall we say, infamous for social issue wars as chairman of his transition team. Will Pence be helping to make picks based upon sound domestic policy or stances on social issues?

 Now add this new bit of information with the news that Trump's pick for domestic policy advisor is Ken Blackwell, a spokesman for the anti-lgbt hate group The Family Research Council who believes that homosexuality is a choice (a position that Pence has espoused in the past) and it all adds up to the fact that Trump has a potential problem. Conservative and religious right groups supported him as a means to an ends of getting their desires fulfilled. But Trump mostly campaigned on the jingoistic idea of "making America great," and being a voice for the white voters (you can call them blue collar and rust belt voters, they are white to me). He seems to be already facing a danger of having the attention focused on his administration via social issues rather than economic issues

And this isn't any wishful thinking on my part. According to the Washington Post's Daniel W. Drezner, Trump's team is showing that it is unprepared for the arduous task of transitioning to the White House. A little advice for Trump. He had better start at least making high profile choices having to do with sound domestic policy rather than social issues. And soon.

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