Friday, December 16, 2016

'Dark history of 'ex-gay' therapy (torture) should not be ignored' & other Fri. midday news briefs

The Dark History Of Ex-Gay Torture [VIDEO] - Not only is "ex-gay" therapy a fraud, but it has a nasty history which we should all do what we can to make public. The video is definitely something to remember when one takes into account that several  religious groups and figures support this disgusting belief that you can and should change your sexual orientation if you are an lgbt. 

Hat tip to JoeMyGod 

 In other news: 

 Gay HIV positive 'First Dates' diner told he was 'high risk' and must disclose status to date - A touchy issue and one that I am ashamed to say I was on the wrong side of a few years ago. People with HIV shouldn't be treated as pariahs. 

 American Family Association's attack on same-sex families reveals hypocrisy of anti-Christian persecution claims - My piece from yesterday evening. It resonated big time so I want to repost it.  

Anti-gay group declare that only they know the true meaning of Christmas - Lord, give us all strength to deal with self-righteous fools. 

 Appeals court doesn’t make transgender student wait for the right to pee - Thank you, Appeals Court.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if Anthony Burgess saw something like this this coming when he wrote 'A Clockwork Orange"? Although convicted of murder, severe behavior-modification treatment for Alex didn't work there either.

    Another interesting bit of trivia: The movie version, directed by Stanley Kubrick, was scored by Walter, now Wendy, Carlos.
