Friday, March 17, 2017

'Supreme Court Justice Alito whines that lgbts are treating conservative Christians like 'bigots'' & other Friday midday news briefs

By not calling attention to propaganda like this pushed by the religious right, lgbts have allowed ourselves to be portrayed as the villains in this supposed 'culture war.'

Supreme Court Justice Alito: Gays treat conservative Christians ‘as bigots’ - Don't get mad at Alito for pushing this idea. The way he has inaccurately phrased the fight over lgbt equality is our fault because we have allowed folks like him to push this idea that lgbts are "intolerant" to conservative Christians without a loud and vigorous challenge. We have allowed the religious right to omit the many lies they have told about our lives, our families, and our marriages. We have allowed them to omit their history of telling lies about lgbts supposedly recruiting children, about how we are supposedly persecuting Christians, or about how we supposedly live a "dangerous lifstyle." We don't call attention to their reliance on junk science or cherry-picking of legitimate science. We don't make an issue out of any of this stuff. By pretending we are above challenging this stuff and playing the mamby-pamby game of "winning hearts and minds" without focusing any attention or showing any righteous indignation about the lies told about us and basically avoiding the issue of anti-lgbt propaganda instead of confronting it head on, we have allowed people like Alito and organizations like the Family Research Council and the American Family Association to control the argument. It's time we stop fighting on their terms. Of course I've said that for a number of years . . . 

Speaking of which:  

How They See Us: Unmasking The Religious Right War on Gay America - The above news brief introduces a perfect opportunity for me to showcase the free online booklet I published in 2013. I made mention of the many ways religious right groups and organizations use propaganda to degrade our community and to make us look like the bad guys. What I am talking about is all in this booklet. I'm going to keep on promoting it until folks get the message that we need to make noise about the lies used against us. 

 In other news:  

Alabama House passes anti-gay adoption bill despite protest by lesbian lawmaker - The Alabama House of Representatives passes a bill allowing faith-based organizations to have access to state grants and contracts even if they discriminate against gay parents. A proponent of this bill says he is trying to show respect to religious organizations. What about the respect which should be given to lgbt taxpayers. No organization who will discriminate against gay parents and lgbts in general have a right to lgbt tax dollars or anything paid for in part by lgbt tax dollars.
March is Bisexual Health Awareness Month - Get educated.

Trans Women Shouldn’t Have To Constantly Defend Their Own Womanhood - AMEN!


  1. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I once emailed one of the sons of the guy who made that book and this was his reply:

    "Yes, I know he's an infamous celebrity. When he wrote this, I told him it was crap--and awfully inaccurate and nasty. My daughter informed me several years ago about his fame!

    You can't blame a guy for his family, that's for sure."

  2. Alito used his own words from his dissent in the Supreme Court’s landmark same-sex marriage case, telling the gathering he had predicted opposition to the decision would be used to ‘vilify those who disagree, and treat them as bigots.’”

    1) To even think that you’re in a position to “disagree” with someone else’s worth as a human being shows on-its-face that you’re a supremacist, and therefore a “bigot” who deserves to be “vilified” !?!

    2) The fact that they don’t want to be ‘vilified’ as ‘bigots’ shows that on some level they know that their supremacist beliefs are morally wrong.
    Alito: “It is up to all of us to evangelize our fellow Americans about the issue of religious freedom.”

    And of course “religious freedom” is a euphemism for conservative-Christian supremacy.

    The man literally “disagrees” that “all men are created equal,” bastardizes the religious freedom portion of the first amendment, and for the rest of his life will be in a position to foist his treacherous beliefs onto the rest of we 325 million Americans - at least a quarter of whom agree with him.
