Monday, June 12, 2017

Hate group upset that the Pentagon is recognizing LGBTQ Pride Month

Anti-lgbtq hate group The Family Research Council  is pitching a fit because the Pentagon has the temerity to recognize LGBTQ Pride Month:

The problem at the U.S. Embassy in Romania wasn't that officials were saluting the flag. The problem was which flag they were saluting. In a tradition most Americans hoped was gone with President Obama, a handful of U.S. diplomats decided to fly the rainbow flag on par with the stars and stripes that millions have died defending. 
The jarring sight in Guatemala, Cuba, Macedonia, the Dominican Republican, and other countries was just more evidence of the politically correct mess left behind by the last administration. Although President Trump refused to declare June LGBT pride month, plenty of Obama holdovers are taking matters into their own hands. Out of respect for the voters who rejected that extreme agenda, it's time for administration officials to step in and put a stop to a display that puts a sexual fringe on the same pole as Old Glory. 
And unfortunately, the State Department isn't the only agency bucking the White House's values this June. Today, the Pentagon carried on a tradition President Obama began in 2012, holding a special "pride" event at the same time that other military leaders are ready to turn the page on eight years of social engineering. It was a disappointing development for conservatives, who thought they had an ally in new Defense Secretary James Mattis. FRC's Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin (U.S. Army-Ret.) was vocal about his displeasure. "I was hoping that the Trump administration would put less emphasis on everything that does not contribute directly to enhanced readiness and war fighting." 
Leaders of the Conservative Action Project echoed General Boykin's frustrations. In a letter signed by dozens of organizations, the group calls on the White House to intervene. "The Trump administration should discontinue funding and directing personnel resources for special-interest events, including LGBT-Pride Month events in June, which do not strengthen military readiness... We will support officials and initiatives taken to end politically-correct social agendas, and look forward to more changes that will strengthen the armed forces and restore America's military readiness." The Obama administration worked from Kenya to El Salvador – not to advance his country's priorities –but the 44th president's radical social agenda. It's time for Donald Trump to take a wrecking ball to the LGBT distractions of his predecessor and turn the page on policies that offend more people than they "honor."

Check yourself, Family Research Council.  LGBTQ soldiers are among those millions whose deaths you alluded to. Furthermore, they continue, along with other members of the Armed Forces, to fight for your freedom. The least you can do is show them the respect they deserve. If you can't do even that, then step to the side.

Generally speaking, however, situations like this sends a reminder to us all that groups like the Family Research Council have nothing to do with morality and values. They are all about homophobia and rendering the lgbtq community invisible and second class citizens, no matter what we do. Even if  that includes sacrificing life and limb to preserve their freedom.

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