Monday, July 24, 2017

'I get some of the 'loveliest' threats' & other Mon midday news briefs

Editor's note - From time to time, I get "lovely" messages:

 . . .you are distorting and even justify it by claiming they hide homophobic behavior, that is itself a distortion and a spin. You should clean up your own house and look at your own bigoted nature. In fact not only do I now have your IP address I will be posting your name and address as a militarized homosexual bigot who is full of hate towards a religious people he follow the teachings that tell them homosexuality is an abomination and do not take part in it, yet you demand they put their religious convictions aside to appease you. I'm not really posting your name and address although that is what has been done by the ADL and ilk, shameful.

Nice to see someone "appreciates" my work.

Hate groups hide years of extremism behind baseless "fake news" accusations - Speaking of which, Media Matters cites my work in calling out anti-LGBTQ hate groups. 

Chris Christie signs two pro-transgender bills into law - When people aren't looking, Christie can be a rather nice guy. 

Five Things That Can Help Us All Better Understand Transgender Childhood - Yes! Yes! A million times, yes! 

Bryan Fischer: Opposition To LGBTQ Rights Is A Test Of Who Can Govern When Jesus Returns - Oh Bryan, I have missed you, you homophobic shit. 

 Moonlight and Magic: Where is the Black LGBTQ representation in media and Hollywood? - Preach!!!


  1. Hey Alvin... I don't comment often, but follow you unfailingly via my news reader...

    So sorry about the threats, 100% behind and with you on the journey.


  2. Typical. Even the "threats" are weak. I'm sure they know it too.
