Thursday, August 17, 2017

'Anti-LGBTQ hate group angry that SPLC getting donations to combat other hate groups' & other Thur midday news briefs

Apple to donate $2 million to anti-hate groups, Tim Cook tells staff - One of the groups receiving donations will be the Southern Poverty Law Center. Naturally the Family Research Group (who SPLC has called a hate group) isn't happy about this:

That's the Family Research Council - a group which heavily supports Donald Trump, hasn't say a word about him this week defending white supremacist groups, and will most likely still have him at it's so-called Values Voters Summit

Conservative faith leaders stand by Trump despite his defense of white supremacist rally - I bet if Trump said something positive about LGBTQs, they would have dropped him in droves. Kinda sad but nice at the same time to see the greed of conservative faith leaders. 

Yes, A Big Victory In Texas On The Trans Bathroom Bill, But The Battle Is Far From Over - Yep. Never over. Bring it on. 

Log Cabin Republicans Didn’t Endorse Trump but Booked Gala Event at Trump’s DC Hotel - Finally . . Lawd hammercy!

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't really count as a "discredit" if it comes from the hate groups that have been deservedly labeled a hate group by the SPLC. But then again logic was never a strong suit of Fascist Research Cult.
