Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Trump's ugly speech sounds like it came straight out of 'Mississippi Burning'

Trump is an idiot. We all knew that. Yet some Americans still voted for him. Don't blame Clinton or Sanders or anyone else. When it all comes down to it, Americans made a decision. We knew all of the costs and dangers and we made a decision.

And elected a fool who can attack the Muslim community over almost anything but WILL NOT (I didn't say cannot) rebuke white racists.

He reminds me of that scene in the motion picture 'Mississippi Burning' in which a redneck judge chastised a group of Klansmen for their violence by mostly attacking the so-called "outside agitators" for 'making them do it.'

In this country a man's home is his castle. That is one of the principles by which this community survives. You men have done violence to that principle. But I want you to know that the court understands that the crimes you have committed have been, to some extent at least brought about by outside influences. Outsiders have come into Jessup County and they've been people of low morality and unhygienic. And their presence here has provoked a lot of people. So the court understands without condoning them, mind you that the crimes to which you men have pled guilty were, to some extent at least, provoked by these outside influences. So, with all this, I'm gonna make your punishment light. I'm gonna sentence you each to five years' imprisonment. But I'm gonna suspend these sentences.

And that's where America is right now. A man who is supposed to be president possibly using Fox News talking points to avoid rebuking  white supremacists.

The president of the United States shouldn't sound like a redneck judge excusing Klan violence. But this bozo does.

1 comment:

  1. His "speech" or rant or running off at the mouth was utterly disgusting. When he read off the teleprompter the other day - when ever he reads a prepared statement - he is not invested in the words he utters; he reads as if seeing the words for the first time; he doesn't believe a word of what he says. But when he has verbal diarrhea we know those words are his real beliefs. Dangerous man,he is inciting more violence and racism and hatred - he will bring us all down.
