Thursday, September 07, 2017

Anti-LGBTQ hate groups wages pathetic war against SPLC

Right under our noses, conservative and religious right groups are waging a serious war with the Southern Poverty Law Center because the organization has rightfully labeled many of them as hate groups. They have amassed a lot of attention for their efforts on twitter, on the right-wing blogsphere and on pseudo-news programs such as the one anchored by Fox News personality Tucker Carlson.

It's ugly to see but also funny in a way. For all of their fury, organization, and discipline to their narrative, the only folks they are resonating with are the ones who already share their opinions.  Even worse for them, their desire to slander SPLC only opens up new avenues to have the debate that they don't want.

In other words, in spite of all they do and say, all it takes is a video, a post, or an article to dismantle their false cards. And the SPLC (and others such as yours truly) own these "receipts" and then some:

Right Wing Ramps Up Campaign Against Southern Poverty Law Center - People for the American Way's Right Wing Watch breaks it down. Say what you will about the religious right, they are organized and discipline in pushing their lies.

Tucker Carlson defends hate group that wanted to criminalize homosexuality because its members aren't Nazis - I never liked Tucker Carlson even when he wore that bow tie. Since getting his own show, Carlson has been doing awful work to normalize homophobia and bigotry. 

Time for the receipts: 

Namesake of ministry suing SPLC once endorsed obscenely homophobic comic - My post from last night. After that awful shooting early this year in DC, many on the right attempted to link the assailant, James Hodgkinson, to SPLC because he reportedly "liked" its facebook page. If one uses that logic, what can we say about the D. James Kennedy Ministries because it's namesake endorsed an viciously homophobic comic? 

SPLC's list of anti-LGBT groups and actions - Educate yourself about these groups and why SPLC calls them hate groups. 

 Last but not least, my favorite receipts

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