Thursday, September 14, 2017

Family Research Council asks for God's help in its war of lies against SPLC

According to People for the American Way's Right Wing Watch, the anti-LGBTQ hate group Family Research Council is calling for a new ally to join its fight against the Southern Poverty Law Center.

And, all jokes aside, I really don't think it's going to work out in the group's favor. You see, FRC just made a public prayer to God about the matter:"

“Pray that the SPLC’s leaders, deeds, and motives will be exposed and that their influence will diminish. May God mercifully reach into the lives of the SPLC’s leaders, staff, and supporters, and convict them of the wrong they are doing. May the Holy Spirit lead them to repentance. May many encounter Christ dramatically, just as Rabbi Saul before he became the Apostle Paul, who was on his way to destroy followers of Christ. May the American press and Big Business cease and desist from promoting the SPLC. May those who have helped instigate the present divide among Americans cease to sow seeds of division. Rather, may their stockpiled millions of dollars be used to heal the divisions in America they have helped to create. Protect and prevent the innocent and vulnerable from falling prey to SPLC’s fundraising schemes. Keep them from entanglement with the deeds of the SPLC. Finally, we pray that you would hinder the SPLC from inspiring the harm of one more person and move them to take sincere Christ-followers and Christian organizations off their ‘Hate List’ and issue a much needed apology.”

Bear in mind, just who FRC is praying to.

This is the "the truth shall set you free" God. The "therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another"' God. The "then keep from speaking evil and from telling lies." God. The "thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" God.

FRC seems to have mistaken God for one of their naive followers or at least one of the propaganda spewers from Fox News. The group thinks it can demonize LGBTQs, conflate us with pedophiles, make all up all sorts of nasty innuendos about our sexual behavior, and generally declare us as a public health menace, but then expect God to suddenly take its side over the group (SPLC) which has not only called them out for it BUT has the proof (i.e. receipts) to back up its charges?

Word to the wise, FRC.  You're making yourself look completely hypocritical. What does it say about the "personally held religious beliefs" you claim to hold so dear if you are praying to your God to help you cover up your lies? 

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