Friday, March 30, 2018

'Big questions remain about Trump's trans ban. Who gave the recommendations?' & other Fri midday news briefs

No one will say who gave the recommendations for Donald Trump's recent transgender military ban.

Pentagon says White House helped draft transgender military ban, contradicting White House’s claim - The questions linger and I hope they don't stop. We could be looking at something potentially big here.

Pentagon refuses to clarify unknowns in transgender ban - More on the situation. 

Real Visibility Is Transgender People Living Openly And Authentically - AMEN! 

Mike Pence says he's 'proud' that his hometown is hosting its first Pride - Yeah. Right.

LGBTQ Americans Won't Be Counted in 2020 U.S. Census After All - Positives and negatives about this. Either way, I am very wary of the situation.


  1. If you don't mind me asking are you a Christian yourself?

  2. I'm a person of faith leaning slightly towards the Christian religion.

  3. Sorry to keep asking you this but do you ever feel like it conflicts with your work as a scientific researcher or can you reconcile the two?

  4. I'm not a scientific researcher so no, nothing conflicts.

  5. Oh sorry, I thought you said somewhere that you were, I must have imagined that

  6. Sorry to bother you with what must seem like irrelevant questions
