Thursday, May 03, 2018

Religious right spokesman - Christianity is the only religion which has First Amendment rights

 A needed reminder as to who the enemies of LGBTQ equality are in this country. Some in the LGBTQ community turn our backs on religion in general due to how we have been treated in the past. That's your right but I submit to you that this isn't a good idea. As the farce called the National Day of Prayer showed us on Thursday and this video of the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer insane ramblings about how only Christians (and by Christians, he means conservative evangelicals) are protected by the First Amendment, it may be a good idea for the American LGBTQ community to not cast a blanket of criticism over religion in general. It's obvious that certain segment of Christianity has shown itself to be a huge problem in this country. Especially when on considers how much power Trump is giving them.

One last thing - Wiccans do not worship the devil nor do they worship witchcraft. Another lie via Fischer.

Hat tip to Right Wing Watch

1 comment:

  1. There is a lot of animosity toward Christian churches among gay men in particular (myself included) as evidenced by comments on Towelroad and JMG. But the support of commenters there for Jesuit Congressional Chaplin Conroy has been nice to see.

    We often forget that in the 70s and 80s liberal leaning (Christian) churches and religious organizations were in the forefront of support of gays and lesbians (and bi and trans to a lesser extent) both politically and spiritually. I lived near Hartford, Connecticut where Canon Jones, an Episcopal priest headed "Project H" and offered counseling for gay men and (gay) married men; the local Conference of Churches Committee for Sexual Minorities later took on the task of LGBT support, sponsoring a youth group and PFLAG; Integrity and Dignity played a significant role in the lives of LGBTs and their coming out and several Catholic priests said Mass for the Dignity group on Sunday evenings; the Unitarian Church hosted alcohol free dances monthly for the LGBT community; even the Catholic diocese allowed Dignity to use a parish school and church for services (until it was clear Dignity did not tow the party line to the letter) and then a local Episcopal church invited Dignity to use their church. The same churches and groups were also in the forefront of assisting people during the height of the HIV/AIDS crisis and facilitating the formation of AIDS Projects. I was not aware of there being any significant Jewish support for LGBTs, but that may be because there was less dogmatic reprobation among the local congregations. The support of LGBTs by churches and religious organizations appears to have waned considerably in recent years, perhaps as liberals and progressives have left religion in droves, leaving behind the most conservative (and anti-LGBT) congregants. Many LGBTs now look upon religion as antiquated and silly.
